10.3. Vendors & Payables Category
10.3.2. Cash Requirements
10.3.1. Accounts Payable
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10.3.2. Cash Requirements

Cash Requirements Report

This report shows the cash requirements needed to pay outstanding bills and refunds. This report allows you to see how much cash you need on hand to pay your entered vendor invoices and customer refunds. The report displays balances due by the number of days you enter in the schedule filter so you can estimate your cash requirements of these periods.

Image Vendors&PayablesCashReqOptions.JPG

Cash Requirements Report Filters Description
Should the report be filtered to specific vendors Enter the first few characters of the vendor name and any matches in your database will be presented. Select the appropriate entry from the list. The report will be filtered to display results for the selected vendor(s).
When should the report start tracking cash requirements Enter the date that you want the report to start with to filter the results. Typically this is today's date. The report will display the cash requirements starting from this date forward per the schedule entered in the filter below.
How should the payment schedule be broken down Select the number of days, going forward that you want to see your cash requirements broken down in. Typically this is 15 days. The schedule will display the cash requirements for the next 3 15 day periods. You can set the schedule to be from 1 to 30 days.
Show opportunities to take discounts Selecting this option will flag invoices that are eligible for vendor early payment discounts
Show Report Details The Simple view only lists the vendor name and the total amount due, per the schedule entered. Detail view mode lists the vendor name, proposal number, invoice number and dates as well as the open invoice balance.
Add this report to your saved reports Selecting this option allows you to enter a name to save your cash requirements report filter information and will save this report in your My Saved Reports menu option under the Reports menu.

After entering your report filter information, click on the Run Report button to generate the report. A sample of the cash requirements report is shown below. This report was filtered to Herman Miller invoices and a 15 day schedule beginning on May 1, 2010. The cash requirements are displayed for the next 45 days.

Image Vendors&PayablesCashReqReport.JPG

10.3.2. Cash Requirements
10.3. Vendors & Payables Category
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10.3.1. Accounts Payable
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10.3.3. Cash Disbursements